Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Restoring The Thompson Center Arms .54 Caliber Cap Lock Rifle: Part 2

Go here for Part 1

Update: the "whatsinthisthing" wadding compartment turned out to be empty.  I had seriously hoped for something left behind in it by my Dad.  He was good at over-preparing and/or hiding supplies or things he might need in some emergency, but not this time.  I made a reddit thread on it here.

Here's the video of the opening of the brass-door "secret compartment" and/or, where you kept wadding and stuff normally on this type of muzzleloder:


Dossier (or whatever):
The ancient camo tape has continued to make my life hell.  I literally cannot get it off my hands with soap and will prolly have to try gas from my lawnmower jug.  I had a couple of moments of frustration  where I was like, "Dad!!!... Why?!?!"  My pants are now all gluey too from where I put it in my lap whilst working on it.

The glue has, in various places, turned into chalky cement and pure superglue-ectoplasm in other places.

The gun is now fully broke down, besides more tape on the great back stock, which is where most of it is (I said 'f*ck it' and just began working on the screws and parts).

At one point, I felt a zen come over me, as part after part freed.  It seemed I knew where to tap, where to look for another screw, etc. (e.g., I figured the little "set screw" under trigger need not be removed to remove trigger plate and mechanism ... indeed, it did not).

The Barrel:
The barrel had perplexed me.  I have no manual, no docs and no experience breaking-down a TCA .54 cap lock muzzleloader.  After removing the heavy barrel-pin, the barrel would not release with some effort.  I thought surely it was: A. held in with some hidden screw, B. some how pressed in (needing vice and press/pressure to release) and/or, epoxied some how.  Negative.  Believe it or not, Dad had apparently simply removed it, lapped the tape over the wood stock, then it back.  The horribad camo tape had nicely, over time, naturally epoxied the gd barrel to the stock.  Today, I tried a few more times and with more strength, and it suddenly lifted 45 degrees upwards.  A bit more movement toward 90 degrees and I could see the fat hook part that affixes it to the main housing, and it came right out!



^This wadding compartment has been sealed for over 20 years
The rear wadding compartment -- a brass, decorative door -- is still fully covered in camo tape.  I have hopes my Dad left a message for me in it.  He camoed this thing some 20+ years ago.  I'm sure the theory of reality will win: i.e., don't get your hopes up, but still.  It would be awesome (miss my Dad lots).

PS removing the ornate, brass, trigger guard revealed a bright-yellow heavy-plastic sliver with plainly-visible serial number.

Found the serial number! (call me paranoid, blacked it out)

I've gotten great feedback on the wot forums:

This is how the barrel "hooks" to the main housing

In this pic and the next you can see the rust plainly, sorta like shag carpet....

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Reddit Gold: Sean Connery

I just remembered this thread, and thought I'd share:

Reddit discusses Sean Connery

Comment gold....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

World of Tanks: WOT Statistics

I highly recommend this installed program:

WOT Statistics

They update it regularly, but I find it a nice way to keep up with my current night of play, and look at it at the end of each battle to see efficiency, et al.

You can view individual tank info, kill summary and more.

Do give it a try.

Right after a battle is done you get a running dossier showing info such as:

  • Damage caused
  • Damage received
  • Kills
  • XP
  • Detected
  • Capture Points
  • Defense Points
  • Hit Ratio
  • Efficiency

World of Tanks Blitz

WoT on the smartphone.

It's called Blitz.

Cuz like, tanks do that, blitz and stuff....

Monday, March 25, 2013


WoT: Cool stream bro

Dkomar10[HAVOK] is making waves with his stream

And to the question in the comments, "isn't streaming bannable?"



I get this email today:

Hey, Remember Us?

A long time ago, on an Internet you’d barely recognize, you joined Digg. A lot of things may have changed in your life since then, but your email address has not.

(great, you have my email in your fucking db....)

This past summer we launched an entirely new Digg. We take care of all the Internet's mindless scrolling and dig through the data to find you the best content.

(in other news, myspace.com relaunched)

Part of our new offering is something we're calling The Daily Digg, a brief overview of our top stories delivered to your inbox (check out the preview below). If it’s not your thing, feel free to unsubscribe at any time.

(I feel it now)

-The Digg Team

(Oh, wait! you'r e a team! why didn't you say so!?!)

Yes.  I remember you.  It was before I got into reddit.  Reddit is all I need now to internets.  I remember you well.  Botters/malware makers would put malware in a page, then bot upvote/diggvote it to the top/front of your site.  Idiots like me -- wanting to see screenshots of "Gran Tursimo 5" -- would click the link, get infected.

^After this happened like twice, and 2 Avast boot-time cleanings, I never went to your site again.  (Note: pretty sure it was cgi bugs/hacks).

In other news, never run as local admin <-- dur

sry bro