Monday, March 18, 2013

If World War II had been a video game....

Thursday, March 7, 2013

World of Tanks: Down For Maintenance 8.4

Servers are down until 10AM EST.

Give it a bit and don't eat your fingers just yet!

Cluster Downtime Begins: 23:00 PST (02:00 EST on March 7, 2013) on March 6, 2013

Cluster Downtime Ends: 07:00 PST (10:00 EST) on March 7, 2013

This outage apparently includes the forums, main web site, etc.  Here's the cached google page

Monday, March 4, 2013

Tank Camo

World of Tanks: Make Some Tank Silver/Money!

Update! Do this at your own risk/loss of silver!  I, nor anyone else, can be certain of how this will pan out if attempted.  I.e., purchasing the ammo listed below in 8.3, then selling in the depot in 8.4 for a greater/different value.

Update2: Word on the EU forums is: if you purchased these rounds in 8.3  for 85 credits (silver) then you will be able to sell them in 8.4 for the same price -- 85 credits.  So, if you already did this in 8.3 ... DON'T SELL THEM UNTIL 8.4!!!  And you'll just break even....

Our friend(s) at "For The Record" has an excellent piece of advice to turn a profit in silver in the shift from 8.3 to 8.4 that he in turn got from the EU forums (which I now in turn am in turning and turning and turned...):

How to make money on 8.4

In 8.4, the price for 83mm High-Explosive HE Mk.3 shells will quadruple (already confirmed as 8.4 is live on RU server). Now it costs 85 credit per shell, in 8.4 it will cost 260 silver per shell. Which means if you buy one for 85 now, you can sell it in 8.4 for 130, generating 45 credits of pure income. You can buy shells for guns you don't own in the store.

8.4 will come to EU server on Wednesday (6.3.) and to NA server on Thursday (7.3.) - at least that's the rumor.

Confirmation from RU server:

^this be silvar ... arrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Sunday, March 3, 2013


Coding can't be easy.  WoT has certainly gotten bigger over time with tanks and things.  As a result, certainly, there will be bugs.

I myself have been experiencing near-chronic issues of "white screens" after hitting "Battle."  I leave the garage, can see the map, but no countdown timer.  I finally am simply looking at my tank, can fully move the screen around, see the birdies flying, hear the sounds, but it's as if everyone is disconnected or ... I'm disconnected....

In Star Trek disconnects can be necessary -- like, when Data goes ape shit!

The fix is to hard kill the wot process and restart real quick (or as quick as I can -- which is excruciatingly longer than I want/need).  This often leaves me late to the battle, and sometimes affects my play (and I get threatened with "report fkd afk!")...

Worst case, it can take upwards of 3 or 4 attempts to finally get in.  I've literally died-at-spawn having finally gotten in after 4 process kills ... as enemies are rampaging having killed my whole team.

Relatedly, there was an unscheduled "pop" of the server(s) to resolve those who had 200+ vehicles in their garage, entirely unable to login.  Some reports had it that folks could not login for days.... <-- I believe this is now resolved for these folks (mine is not).

Note: my "white screen" problem started post 8.0 and new physics....

All of this lead me to think about coding/programmers and the art/skill of it all.  I couldn't help thinking of the 3-stooges cooking.

Without further ado, here they are (note: this is presented all in good fun):

Edit: servers go down.  Bugs happen -- as a comedian once said when he accidentally spit on the audience, "spit happens."  I am not upset at wg at all or wot or anyone who works there due to any bug or server outtage <-- this is part of it as far as I'm concerned, and I've played vid games wherein, the people employeed there didn't care and the stuff ran like crap.  World of Tanks is heads and shoulders above this.

tl;dr: just play some tanks....