Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Planetary Annihilation

Who hasn't thought about annihilating an entire planet?  Well, soon, you'll be able to with the upcoming real-time strategy game from Uber Entertainment called -- get ready for it:

The game is still in development, but the teaser (easily found on youtube or is quite tantalizing.

Ever since Civ1, back in the '90s, I wanted to take the game to another world, another planet.  It saddened me that, when you finally built your spaceship, the game ended.  Winning!

But it didn't feel like winning.  RTSes developed, and sure, story-lines such as Star Craft's took you from world to world, but it wasn't seamless.  These were basically staged or set environments  you found yourself in, once you completed a chapter or part.

Planetary Annihilation promises to provide a seamless experience, wherein, planets, moons and even asteroids are involved and can be used.

Game experiences could be small -- as little as 20 minutes on "small maps" -- up to huge battles, with many planets and players involved and "...then the war goes interplanetary."  These battles could last up to 12 hours! ..says Jon Mavor, CTO.

The full interview is available at

They are still raising money for development.  More info at the wiki.

can't wait!...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

If a bad player dies cuz he's bad, and no one is around to see it...

does he still suck?...

fatkiddown: sometimes I wonder
fatkiddown: what bad players are really doing
fatkiddown: is it their connection? their computer?
fatkiddown: are they blind or some how disabled?
fatkiddown: what can it be?
fatkiddown: that makes them play that way?...
Wack: they play it like CoD
fatkiddown: how so?
Wack: Run&Gun
Wack: thinkin they will respawn

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Stargate stuff

Anyhow, under sea Stonehenge off the coast of Okinawa, some 110 feet under water.  The stones are upwards of 12 feet high:


They also found this chick down there:

In all seriousness, I love ancient mysteries.

Is our daddies E.T.?...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chit and Hurch

Yet another CSB....

I made this for my step daughter who had an art project in college.  She had to do a cartoon or something and asked for ideas.

Basically, Chit and Hurch are huffers -- glue, paint, name it.  I can't remember the clever thoughts behind their names (Hit and Church maybe?), but anyhow, they find some industrial glue that kills them when they open/huff it.  Within moments, the world blows up like a Nick Cage movie, and they _safely_ fall into the depths of the earth into some great crevasse....

Anyhow, with them falls the industrial glue and preservative, which perfectly preserves their freshly deceased bodies for millennia.

Eons later, aliens find nothing of humanity on Earth save deep within it, and only Chit and Hurch, who, they bring back to life via their technology, and then, keep C&H in their alien museum as a representation of the sum total of humanity -- compete with paint cans used for huffing....

Update: I just remembered, Hit and Church are spins on "Hitler and Churchill" ... I have no clue why I did that, but if you look close you can see Hit's little mustache....

Friday, August 10, 2012


1st, a preemptive CSB:

One of my fav NSFW places to go is reddit.  I'm here now to call out the over-use of a word:


It has to be the most used word to begin a post on reddit.


Ok, I'm calming down.  Still.  Let's discuss:

So, shit. I mean, anyhow. What is "so"? ... a conjunction. My wife does that on the phone using her fake phone voice, when she's talking to someone I can tell she doesn't know that well. She'll tell something and at the end of it go, "so..." followed by a slight chuckle. In that vein, I guess it's like, "I just said something I hope you approve of or find entertaining. I don't know you that well, and I just want us to be swell." Ending "so's" are more requests I suppose. Opening "so's" are more like, "ok listen." Either way, they have something to do with not knowing what else to say, I mean, besides the normal use of "so" to connect main clauses (stfu! about grammar!).

In Puerto Rico, they say, "ehtay, ehtay, ehtay...." I asked what that meant and someone said, "oh, it's like saying, "ummm."

I just watched an entire Spongebob Squarepants episode where he gets stuck in Patrick's giant ball of gum. Spit kept dripping out of it. It was gross, and people lived inside of it too, but they escaped. Spongebob is trippy man. I don't do acid, but it's gotta have fan following amongst its adherents....


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Coffin Phones

A while back, I saw a story where some people are starting to place their deceased loved one’s cell phone in the coffin at burial time … with it on … waiting to take a call.

googles provided this article from 2008....

I quickly decided that this was creepy. I mean, can you imagine making that call to your dead loved-one’s phone, hearing it ringing, knowing it’s ringing beside their remains, six feet under.

I then thought about the messages you would leave like, if you had time to do a new voicemail message: “Hi, this is FKD. I can’t come to the phone right now cuz I’m dead. Leave a message if you want, but I’ll never call you back. After all, I’m dead….” Or, “Hi, you’ve reached the voicemail of FKD, the late, meaning, I’m gone, I’m dead. Why are you calling me? Didn’t you hear?” Or, “This is me, FKD, I’m dead, and if you only got one ring before getting to voicemail then that means the battery on this thing’s dead too … beep!”

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

World of Tanks: Ruin on Ruinberg

Battle Type: Encounter
Map: Ruinberg
Vehicle: T28
tl;dr: cover the flag, be aware of the east, but the battle is lost if that red bar finishes the journey to 100%....
My experience, thus far, on this map, on this side of it and on battle mode: encounter, is that there is a fierce medium struggle at around the townish intersection at E0 -- at least, the enemy will bring it, and my team should answer it.  If not, then it won't be much of a struggle at all....

Being in a T28 -- with a top speed of 18kph (if I'm lucky, and being pulled by a French medium upper tier, down hill, being sucked forward by a super massive blackhole) -- I decided to go to hide at the toppish part of H8 -- nice rocks, nice bush, just nice.  I could offer supporting fire to E0 and/or, when it turned into F0.  Also, it affords the opportunity to move up, in the event my guys at E0 did well, and take shots at enemy corner-lurkers that often appear at the top of F6. 

Indeed, reds did show at F6.  Indeed, an enemy wolf pack of lights and mediums did show at E0.  Indeed, my, XVM-gave-the-win-to team, did represenT! at E0 as well (capital T was intended there), very much so, erm, too much so, uh, guys, we have a lot at E0....

But placing myself at H8/G8 also affords me the ability to race back to flag (heh, I said, "race" when referring to a T28), in the event a capping battle breaks out.  Mind you, I am in a slow-moving T28, and this, "get-back-to-the-flag" part is honestly a tertiary plan, but part of it. ...this part depends on the fact that my team is well spread-out, balanced on both flanks with just enough going right (east) and just enough to flag (west), with just enough to do both jobs, including, keeping the enemy flag-cappers reset until I can get there -- hopefully, going the very back, safer way along toward G1.  If not, then a much shorter and quicker route straight down the path from J7 to F2.

As it turns out, by the time I see all the red dots at both spots, I realize: As much as we have put too much on the east, they have put too much on the west, at the flag -- and if you think about it, it's not such a bad idea to overstack at the flag ... in the _right_ circumstance. 
I begin my sluggish trek back, but at the same time, a lone M4A3E8 begins a solo-man cap.  A slow, solo-man cap (did I say that twice?).  This occurred _as_ I'm considering and quickly (heh, quickly) _do_ make the trek to the flag -- but now, realizing I have to do the shorter and dangerous route.

A sprint in a T28 is like a gnat watching an elephant take a dump, waiting for the foods of it.

"Not a total crisis," thinks I.  After all, there are 2 mediums -- on the wrong side of the flag -- and some heavies near the flag.

Then, to my horror, I realize: no one but me is making the journey to _really_ reset this capture.

  • And they do not.  The 2 mediums and fast TD on our team seem unaware.
  • The heavies are all locked in blocking battles that are not near enough to the flag to get at the US medium, who is utilizing good defilade and avoiding hits.

It is as if my team is frozen in time, and only I can do the work of resetting.

I manage only to get close enough to damage the KV-3 who joins, and I do think our Lion manages to hit him as well, but for all else, the first capper -- the M4A3E8, is never reset, and it is a loss....

Bottom-line: cover the flag, be aware of the east, but the battle is lost if that red bar finishes the journey to 100%....
Dark green indicates spawn point and trek to hide. Lime green indicates trek from hide to begin journey to flag. Light bluish line indicates path to flag wherein 2 or 3 shots did result in damage to capper, but only secondary capper....
iSpawn or iFKD....
@ hide, awaiting to see how it all unfolds ... doesn't get pretty....
The futile journey and useless attack on the enemy flag capture
A hit ... on not the one I wanna hit....
Duh howwah!!!