Thursday, May 16, 2013

Small Town Security: YAFTOR

I.e., "yet another fucktard on reddit."

Anyone can make a subreddit, and for any reason.  'Tis the open 'net after all, and I err on the side of supporting Internet freedom, but squatting sucks, and in the end, squatting laws make sense, mostly.

tl;dr: fuckers will "squat" a subreddit name, for purposes of trolling.  To this let us now meme:

I in no way want to be seen as some supporter of the show, Small Town Security.  I do find it fascinating -- sorta the way a train wreck is fascinating .. as long as you're not in it!

But I put this write-up in and it was getting upvotes:

The show is asking for it:

..It is asking to be jeered at, put down, ridiculed and mocked, but only from those who have not looked beyond the thin veil of a reality tv show. On that level it is among the worst. If the producers continue to script laugh scenes where old men are tricked into thinking they peed (whether scripted or not, it appeared to be) then the show will be seeing its final season. If, however, they continue to peel-back the layers of these characters -- these real people -- I will continue to watch and be amazed.

We find in STC individuals at the end of their ... not lives, but dreams. A former survivalist and militia member, come back to society, a former starlet with 'connections'. An educated businessman, always trying to provide with hoarding and 'other' issues. And, yes, between these three, a current love-triangle of uncommon nature.

And from these histories, these stories, we have their current situation, delve into their bad habits, things that are so awkward that we cannot believe it isn't scripted, but it can't be.

In the middle of all of this we sense longings: one has struggled for years with their gender, one with her marriage, one with his desire for normalcy that he denied himself via marital choice and abnormal vices.
And these people are not young. They are older. Opportunities are running out and health is beginning to deny chances to change.

What will happen if/when she dies? Who will have to leave their business? Will she break-it off with one of her relationships to save the other?

This same primal story could make for any great Hollywood romance, but Hollywood could never create a Mayberry with a transsexual, a businessman and a one-time starlet.

No, reality is stranger than fiction, and that is Small Town Security.

And again, it was getting upvotes .. until -- mods deleted it.

Why?  Well, when I peruse that subreddit, I see just about all negativity about the show, its members, etc.

Can it be the mod(s) just wants this subreddit to be an attack, a put down, a pejorative diatribe against this show? (Did he just say "pejorative diatribe?")  In the least, I do not feel that subreddit is objective in light of the few posts there, and the deletion of my post above.  ffs, there are only 3 posts there and none new in months -- attack of the mods!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dota2: Hello, and welcome to the world of batshitcrazystupid....

Edit: I want to be clear here: as far as I can tell, people can report you for absolutely, positively, no good reason.  This, in turn, will lead to you _not_ being able to speak to your own team for upwards of days.  The fact that you can end up on a team with 4 "friends" who you piss off (bcs, like, that guy wanted mid altho you got it 1st, or that guy got pissed you took his stacked camp creeps, or you didn't go rosh when they went rosh) and they can simply troll you with reporting, is so incredibly dumb on the part of Valve that I cannot believe it.

Of the reporting systems in LoL or WoT, this one is moronic by comparison.


I play this game, rarely, called Dota2.  I have friends and family who play it lots.  They enjoy it when I play it.  Tonight, I thought I would take a break from World of Tanks and do a rare visit into Dota2.

I want to stop here and thank Valve and Steam for making me realize that this game is a liquid piece of shit, badly done, and badly administered.  I want to make everyone reading this realize that instead of doing real administration and moderation of their game, they have tried to offload this work to the player base, and they have done this horribly, terribly, incredibly, badly.

So, it's been weeks or more since I played Dota2.  I really, only, play it when friends urge me to.

But tonight, I thought I need a break from World of Tanks, and I launch Dota2 on my own.

I play a total of 3 games.  The 3rd game I quit because it was the game that told me -- upon trying to congratulate a teammate on a first blood:

"No one hears you. Your account has been flagged as disruptive and your communication privileges temporarily revoked. Time remaining: 24 hours"


What incredibly bad thing did I do?!?  What on earth could have been so bad, that I can no longer be heard from anyone in the game, on the enemy team ... on MY TEAM!?!?!?

I cannot tell my team where I'm going, what I'm doing, anything.  I CANNOT TELL THEM THE ENEMY IS MISSING FROM MY LANE!!!!  I google, and find this:

Indeed, this reveals the incredible level of stupid that is going on with this game.

Here's what happened in the 1st 2 games I played tonight, that lead to this retarded 24 hour ban on my commuincations:

1st game someone said they were going to report me bcs I pushed mid instead of going rosh.  I literally only said, "me?" <-- this was it!!!!!!!!!

2nd game, I hit a camp creep and there were like 30 creeps.  I was like, "wtf??!!?"  I killed them all <-- I was axe with 2 stouts and other stuff.  Antimage raged on me, "been building that all game.  Thx axe!!!"  <-- he cont to rage on me.  Honestly, truly, he did.  He said nasty, mean stuff.  I did nothing about this, but I simply said, "perm muted" finally  Another guy on team did the same and I said, "perm muted" to him as well.  (I think these were the guys who got me muted from EVERYONE IN THE GAME for 24 hours <-- although I in no way returned the favor!!!!!!).  Later in this game, an enemy commended me over a fight and I said something to the effect of, "well, I put 2 over here on ignore for going off on me" <-- is this why they did it??!?!  still!!!!!

3rd game, someone got 1st blood.  I tried to say, "gj" and it tells me: "No one hears you. Your account has been flagged as disruptive and your communication privileges temporarily revoked. Time remaining: 24 hours"

Welp, I did nothing wrong.  This is bullshit.

So, I want it to be known here, that you can fully be abused in Dota2. If you find yourself on the losing end of one or more people with the will to click you into obscurity, you can be put on a ban list from ever talking in this game, because they can.

Word to the wise: if you ever, remotely, feel an argument or flame war or whatever in game with a player in Dota2, simply report them, simply do it, simply click and complain, because they will, and it'll be dumb, fucking dumb, fucking potato dumb.

Better yet, just ignore this fucking game altogether and play a game where real mods moderate it.


And here is the support ticket I submitted to steam on this issue:

"No one hears you. Your account has been flagged as disruptive and your communication privileges temporarily revoked. Time remaining: 24 hours"

First, here is my blog, and here is my post on this stupidity that you have instituted:

I want to thank you for encouraging me and others to play a game not dota2 with this mute shit that you've wrongly offloaded to the player-base, who are simply abusing it.

It is dumb and may your game fail


Steam support replied to my trouble ticket:


Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

Any bans are applied due to excessive reports being made towards your account or from repeat abandons from games.

We are not able to remove these bans as they are handled automatically by the Dota 2 servers.

You will need to wait until the ban is expired in order to retain your full privileges.

And I replied to their reply to my trouble ticket:

Sunday, April 28, 2013

NPR: Army Says No To More Tanks, But Congress Insists

WASHINGTON (AP) — Built to dominate the enemy in combat, the Army's hulking Abrams tank is proving equally hard to beat in a budget battle.

Lawmakers from both parties have devoted nearly half a billion dollars in taxpayer money over the past two years to build improved versions of the 70-ton Abrams.

But senior Army officials have said repeatedly, "No thanks."


Saturday, April 27, 2013

/queue REM

Disclaimer: I have no problem with World of Tanks at all, any part of it, no matter what.  Honestly, I do not.  Except paying to win, stats-only focus, clan wars, sprem, m3lee, kv-5, hills, rocks, trees, flags, ponds, birds, crumbly houses and a total lack of women....

"This one goes out to the one I love...."

Or, more precisely:

"This one goes out to the lemmings I love...."

man, I was asuch a _huge_ fucking REM fan

'Who tf you talkin about fkd?  You mean the lemmings that all go the same direction at map start?'

Nope, not at all.  I'm talking about those who say, "The KV-5 sucks!" back when it was cool to say the KV-5 sucks.  Then, when unicorn x plays it, they go "The KV-5 rules!"

the ass of a KV-5 ... kiss that ass!

I'm talking about those who only watch replays of unicorns who sell theyselves and they (sry, I do street talk lots 'they' is hip ... comic sans, not so hip...) replays on the forums.  I'm talking about those who hate arty just to hate arty cuz the rest of the _cool_ forumers hate arty cuz unicorn1, unicorn2 & unicorn3 hates arty.  Or they hate german tanks just to hate german tanks, afterall, u1, u2 and u3 hates german tanks, or must be in clan x and must platoon with player y and must pat the back of dude z on the forums, and disrespect the rest....

And when clan x (it was x right? I lost my lettering) gets beat by clan y, we'll follow clan y, and when the m3lee is proved good by player z, we'll suddenly stop hating the m3lee <-- mebe, if player z can pull off that thar win rate!!! (stats!).

Really ... /cocks-head-rolls-eyes

Really?!  Realy really?

Come close now, got some words .. c.loser .. ever closer than that.


This is a recent email I sent to my nephew who asked some life quesitons.  It applies:

Preserving sense of self is important.  Failure at it will happen.  Mark only the successes. 

I watched this doc on military channel where a ww2 vet from pacific theater told the story of how all the other troops were pulling the teeth out of the dead Japanese soldiers for the gold.  He decided he was going to do it too.  An older guy saw him and before he could get really into it the guy subtly talked him out of it.  "I wouldn't do it if I were  you" he told him and said other stuff that made him think.  Made him realize it was ok to be different than the rest.

Sadly, we are designed to be lemmings, follow the crowd.  Some of us fight this, look at things differently.

Don't let anyone tell you what career to have, or what girl to marry, or what stuff to watch.  Don't rebel to rebel, but don't conform either.  Draw from the lemmings what good they can offer, then look for something they missed <-- they miss lots.  Sometimes, it's fun to just be different and piss them off.  Every revolutionary worth their salt said "fuckoff" to the status quo....

In our religion, politics and vid games, most of us just follow the herd, and preach to those who also don't do the same.

rage against the dying of the light....

And now, let me be clear.  Let me use an example.  This is just an example.  This is just an example of how people think, how I think, and what makes me go "WTF?!?!?!"

A. the great-unwashed (those with purple stats mostly and then, all those without purple stats that follow the purple stats guys) hate arty.  tl;dr: hate arty.

B. the subjects of A above devote their lives to this game (in some form or fashion.  I know I do to an extent.  I.e., I play almost daily, for well over 2 years now -- I was 5,000something member of beta <-- big deal right?!).

C. the makers of said game -- World of Tanks mind you -- put arty in the game.

D. we will hate those who play arty (aka, "the players") who did not make arty, who did not put arty in the game, who did not design arty, who had no say over the existence of arty, who simply play it and stuff and stuff and stuff.

^do you see how batshitstupidfuckingstupidcrazy this is?

Socrates would _not_ fucking respect your asses for this.  You would _not_ be his disciple.

The lack of proper logic here breaks my brain.  The lack of motivation to understand philosophical first prinicples, prime rules, source causes and thermodynamics, breaks me to pieces.  It kills me.  I am now dead (good! we hate you fkd!).

Raging on the forums about people playing arty in light of the above (of _the_ above) is equivalent to posting your political views on facebook, for those who have, by now, unfollowed you for it.  It is incalculably an inefficient means of affecting the change you want -- no more arty.

If you want to effect/affect/prefect government, do you:

A. post it on facebook.
B. rage online in
C. write your local politician/show up at a rally/knock door-to-door?


The Ron Paul example:

For years, I've had these younger friends constantly telling about Ron Paul.

Alert!!! Politics coming!!!

Yes, I now support and like Ron Paul (yes, he is retired from his office in the U.S. Senate).  These guys sent me emails, spammed me with his thoughts and speeches, etc.  I rolled my eyes, didn't care.

Then, one day, on my own, I caught something he said.  I went, "hey, you know, that makes perfect sense."  Then, I caught something else he said and I went, "hey!" again.

Before long, I loved him.  The guy was spot on. I became a believer.

Ron Paul was different, not a lemming-following, anti-"The Man", etc.

I couldn't wait to go vote for him in the last presidential election, in the primary for my state.

I went, I voted, I told.

I couldn't wait to tell my friends -- these guys who put bumper stickers on their cars, make his banner their banner, make "Ron Paul" their face book cover photo, email sig, etc. -- I talk to them.  Get ready for it....

THEY ... DID ... NOT ... GET ... OFF ... THEY .. SORRY ... ASSES .. AND ... GO ... VOTE ... FOR ... RON ... PAUL .. WHEN ... IT ... REALLY ... REALLY ... REALLY ... MATTERED!!!!!!

i mean, honestly, they didn't.  i was like mel gibson (as william wallace, braveheart y'know) after he realized robert the bruce had betrayed him.  i asked why.  they said they were busy. forgot. didn't register ... i ... i ... i was devastated....

fkd as William Wallace (i know i know, sessy)

I could not believe it.  I was floored.

After that primary, there would be no other, in history, chance to do anything about ever getting Ron Paul in office, ever, ever, never, ever, neverland peter pan....

this is honest to god the _only_ peterpan related image I could find

I realized.  I understood.  They were sacks of shit.  It was easy to make him a sig, or a cover photo.  It felt good to spam those who didn't want it with the shit, but when it came to work that wouldn't get an immediate response/reply/epeen/flame (i.e., internet shit), they were like a shit popsicle <-- fucking worthless.

And so, I say, to all you lemmings of World of Tanks who never miss:

A. a chance to flame someone who likes  a german tank.
B. a chance to flame those who make the mistake of revealing they play arty.
C. a chance to praise a unicorn and hate a 'baddy'

^think for your everloving motherfucking selves.  Get off your fucking asses and make a support ticket about arty, or email a dev, or support a competitor game, or play a scout, or post an intelligent response in the official sticky on arty put there by a mod, or actually try that arty out or that german tank out or that KV-5 out ... BEFORE YOU LEARN IT ACTUALLY ISN'T SO BAD AFTER ALL BY SOMEONE ELSE'S REVEALING!!!

Devoting your lives to a game with a key part you hate, placing your precious time on this earth in the hands of devs that you should doubt over that key part (that _you_ -- not me -- don't like) THEN trolling pubbies with hate is equivalent to supporting Ron Paul when it suits you, when easy, yet not voting, not doing dick for him when it couints.

"But fkd, aren't you just raging cuz you devoted yourself to complete the entire german tree waaaaay tf back, and it hurts your feelings when made fun of for this?  And aren't you just bitter cuz your stats are _not_ purple? you are _not_ in a unicorn clan?  Aren't you just a female bleeding tween legs and out of tampons?..."

Totally.  Entirely.  Surely and yes.

...but I'm still right....
